The Best Laptop


August 7, 2023

I often get the question, “What is the best laptop?” to which I have always replied “the one with the best warranty.” I never said this to be funny, or come off offensive it is just the truth. When something inevitably happens with that new laptop, all that will be desired is for that laptop to be repaired & replaced.

Hopefully everyone is already aware of coverage provided in a renter’s insurance policy or a homeowners insurance policy. if you have renters insurance or home owners insurance, your laptop may already be covered under your policy. Obviously, please consult your insurance provider for the details of your policy as I am not an insurance agent.

An insurance policy is generally the most cost effective way of covering your laptop from theft, yes, even if it’s stolen while you’re traveling. Again, consult your policy to be sure. To get the necessary coverage for accidentals, and dropping your device, consider an extended service coverage plan provider.

This strategy which includes leveraging an insurance plan you should already have and adding an extended coverage plan that covers multiple devices in your home from accidentals dollar for dollar will be more cost effective and provide more value and coverage to you than a traditional warranty provided from the manufacturer. Yes, including Apple’s Care, Microsoft’s Complete or Dell’s Premium Support, etcetera, etcetera… Mainly, due to the fact that manufacturer offerings are generally per product coverages.


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