IT Security : EDR | Malwarebytes

Dog with glasses looking up from a book.

Dog wearing eye glasses, thinking about its digital identity

August 31, 2023

We have been in an era where personal identity has crossed over into our professional identities. Organizations have to protect their investments, products, resources and intellectual property from malicious actors as well as employees, who are at the end of the day, people. In the same breath people have to safeguard themselves against organizations and the new fad of the moment whether they want to or not.

Endpoint Security has indeed involved, necessarily so, to extend the protection of an organization to include protecting people. Malwarebytes, who has an award winning EDR system…

EDR, which stands for Endpoint Detection & Response is the basic evolution of endpoint security or computer anti-virus software. (Malwarebytes)

…has acquired Cyrus an Identity protection organization that serves to protect individuals from identity theft.

This really is the era we are living in, as many more of us begin to establish our identities online the need to secure those identities becomes ever more pressing.

It no longer matters if it is simpler now to replace or wipe a device that has become infected with malware or pwned, as now the digital identities we all have invested significant time in creating become more and more at risk.


Technology Platforms


IT Security : EDR | XDR | MDR